The Czech Republic has reciprocal agreements in place to provide free emergency health care to citizens from countries inside the European Economic Area (EEA) with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), though you’ll be charged for additional (non-emergency) treatments. Other nationalities from countries outside such agreements must pay for treatment, usually up front. Everybody must pay for prescribed medications. First aid ambulances in Prague operate 24 hours daily; health facilities are usually open from 7:15-18:00, except Saturdays and Sundays.
Visitors are advised to take out insurance before they travel to Prague. Cost of insuring yourself against accident, robbery, delay or is comparatively small to risk you have without insurance. Unfortunately staff in state hospitals speaks very little English, so it’s better to take travel insurance covering not only Czech hospitals, but also best Foreign Medical Clinics. If you are not insured or not an EU citizen, then cash or credit card will be required.
Medical Hospitals for emergency help in Prague:
Nemocnice Na Holmolce (Prague 5), tel. 257 271 111
Nemocnice na Františku (Prague 1), tel. 222 801 111
Workplace: Poliklinika Palackého (Prague 1), tel. 222 928 111
Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice v Praze (Prague 2), tel. 224 961 111
Fakutní Thomayerova nemocnice s poliklinikou (Prague 4), tel. 261 081 111
Nemocnice Podolí gynekologie a porodnice (gynecology and childbirth services; Prague 4), tel. 296 511 111
Fakultní nemocnice v Motole s poliklinikou (Prague 5), tel. 224 431 111
Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady (Prague 10), tel. 267 161 111
Dental emergencies
Palackeho 5, Prague 1, tel. 224 946 981 (Monday – Friday 19.00 – 6 a.m., Saturday – Sunday non-stop; adults and children)
V Uvalu 84, Prague 5, tel. 224 433 654 (Monday – Friday 19.00 – 6 a.m., Saturday – Sunday non-stop; just for children!)
Foreign Medical Clinics in Prague:
Prague 1, Health Centre Prague, street Vodickova 28, tel. 224 220 040
Prague 1, Poliklinika na Narodni, street Narodni 9, tel. 222 075 120
Prague 1, General Health Care Corporation, street Krakovska 8, tel. 222 211 206
Prague 2, Medicover Clinic, Tylovo namesti, tel. 1221, 234 630 111
Prague 6, Unicare, Na Dlouhem lanu 11, tel. 235 356 553
Prague 6, Canadian Medical Care, street Veleslavinska 30, tel. 235 360 133
Pharmacies operating 24 hours daily:
Prague 1, street Palackého 5, tel. 224 946 982
Prague 2, street Belgická 37, tel. 222 519 731
Prague 4, Thomayerova hospital, , Vídeňská 800, tel. 261 084 001
Prague 5, street Štefánikova 6, tel. 257 320 918
Prague 5, Hospital Motol, V Úvalu 84, tel. 224 435 736
Prague 8, Bulovka Hospital, Budínova 2, 266 082 017
General Emergency Number is 112.
Other important numbers are:
150 – Fire
155 – Medical Emergency (Ambulance/First Aid)
156 – Prague City Police
158 – Police
For car trouble or road services:
154 – Towing Service
1230 – Emergency Road Service (ABA)
1240 – Emergency Road Service (UAMK)